Published Works
Short Story - SKIPPING STONES - Sheriff Nottingham SN11: Collect Rocks
Excerpt - UP UP AND AWAY - The Los Angeles Press V4 Dis+Placement
Monsoon Season - Flash Fiction Friday
The Way Things Were, Have Been, Will Be, Are - Eunoia Review
Hunger and Lonliness - 100 Words of Solitude
Unpatriotic - LARB PubLab (no longer online)
Up, Up, and Away (excerpt) - Los Angeles Press
Online Misc:
Online Marketing for Photographers: The Lessons I Paid For - Digital Photography School
A review of Neurotically Yours (comic book) (as Cinka) - Foamy Fanatics
That time my (ex) boyfriend and I interviewed Steve Severin from Siouxsie and The Banshees for Dark Culture Magazine (as Cinka)
Never to Meat Again - Morbid Outlook (as Cinka)
Quoted and written about in The Goth Bible: A Compendium for the Darkly Inclined (as Cinka).
My photo of our old house in the Los Angeles Times. In the print version, the credit was given to someone else and corrected in a subsequent issue.
Several of my polaroids were included in a community art project called Instant Gratification: PolaroidPartyLA as well as in the book that followed: Still Developing: A Story of Instant Gratification.